School Holiday Program



Every School Holidays Auburn Youth Centre run a variety of in house activities and excursions. We try and have these activities posted one month before the holidays. Please feel free to call the Centre on 9646 2122 for more information or email Our school holiday program targets young people attending year 6 and High School, ages 12 to 21.

Our programs and activities are overseen by qualified youth and family workers.

We have 2 excursions that are only for young people in these holidays, AQUATOPIA and RIVERSIDE THEATRE. 

AQUATOPIA – for young people aged 12-24 Please bring a swimming costume, towel, hat, sun screen, snacks and drinks. Bring a change of clothes as you will be getting wet.

RIVERSIDE THEATRE – for young people aged 12-24. We are going to see the BOX SHOW. To see what the Box show is please CLICK HERE

WE are also running a family outing. THIS IS OPEN TOALL PEOPLE 12-24 however family or guardians of a young person can attend with them on this outing. We are going to the Royal National Park for bush walking, a BBQ and row boats on the river. To attend this excursion you must complete a water and bush safety workshop being held at the Centre on Friday 10th January 2025 or Tuesday 14th January 2025. If you do not attend a workshop you cannot go on the excursion. You can book this workshop online or call the Centre on 96462122 to book.

Our full program for SUMMER 2025 can been seen by clicking here .

Our Centre is open for drop in activities throughout the holidays from 10.30am to 5.30pm. Our cafe is open each day, you can get a burger, fries, shake for about $7.50.  

For some excursions and some activities you must register . 

TO REGISTER YOU CAN  CALL (96462122)  or ATTEND  THE CENTRE between 11am and 6pm. You can also book online by clicking here.

All activities are free  and supervised. 

Conditions of Enrolment and Event Policies are described in the following sections.

Conditions of Registration: 

All people attending our holiday program must become a member of AYC. Membership is Free.

In order to book in, you need to complete the registration form at the Centre, call the Centre on 96462122 or complete an online registration (click here).  

Bookings for any of our Centre based activities are immediately accepted. You have a spot in the activity. Please attend. 

Sometimes we get too many bookings for our excursions. If you book for an excursion we will contact you to confirm your place.

-All activities are strictly intended for young people between the ages of 12-21 years. (Excepting our family outings)

-Participants must maintain full responsibility of their belongings while attending this program.

-All participants must adhere to health and safety instructions and behave in a way that is safe for all participants, staff and volunteers.

-Auburn Youth Centre is a place where people come together to socialise and learn. Participants found to behave inappropriately, in a threatening manner, or show disrespect for the beliefs, values and opinions of others may be asked to leave the program/s.

-Auburn Youth Centre reserves the right to cancel a program at any time. For outdoor programs or programs involving physical activity, poor weather or extreme heat may result in cancellation of the program. An alternative indoor program will be held whenever possible in these circumstances.

-All information collected in this enrolment form is for the purposes of managing and delivering programs at the Auburn Youth Centre. All information will be collected and stored in line with the Centre’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policies.

– Generally, more people book for excursions than can attend. AYC must select who can attend. We try to be fair and share the opportunities across all applicants. AYC assesses each application in accordance with the eligibility criteria listed below and desires to give all an opportunity.



Auburn Youth Centre gives priority to those who are disadvantaged and residing in and around the Cumberland LGA. The criteria for determining this is based on:

  • Being on a Government benefit
  • Being from a low income household
  • Being an unattended minor
  • School age

Failure to attend Excursions:

  • Places are valuable and excursions are generally prepaid. Please notify us 48 hours before the excursion if you cannot attend. Failure to do so will result in not being eligible  for excursions during the next holidays.

In House Activities

We require all applicants to be aged between 12-21 or as otherwise noted in the program. We understand that parents often want to watch or do activities with their children. We strongly encourage parents to leave their children / young person in our care, we have trained and qualified youth workers and social workers supervising their wellbeing. This is an opportunity for young people to have new experiences,  engage with new people and possibly make new friends in a safe place.

Centre based programs sometimes ask for registrations.  If you wish to participate in these programs you must register. We do this so we can be sure that we have enough resources available. If you register for inhouse activities you are immediately accepted.

All other activities you can attend without registering. We would love to see you at each of our in house activities.

Young people can drop in to the Centre over the holidays at any time. 


Please bring own lunch (food & drink) for all the excursions or if you are coming to the Centre . Please wear appropriate clothes and bring sunscreen. 

Please wear shoes to all activities.



To see our SUMMER   School Holiday Program please click here