What services does AYC provide for young people?
AYC provides a broad range of services for young people. We employ specialist youth workers, social workers and an adolescent and family counsellor to work with this age group. They also work closely with others that are important to young people such as parents, schools and other youth services.
Often we use fun activities to connect with young people such as soccer, volleyball, craft programs, camps, and creative activities such as art, dance and music. Sometimes this will lead to individual counselling and many young people will access more than one of our programs. We also have a cafe, free hospitality training, computer room and a music recording studio and music mentors.
The AYC Youth Workers and Social Workers can also assist youth with mental health issues, relationship problems, family conflict, fines, employment, education, juvenile justice issues, accommodation, Centrelink, mental health issues or mentoring! To access this service just drop in or call to make an appointment.
Drop In
A safe and supervised space where young people can come to relax, play games or use our PS4, Internet, Wifi, computers, Table Tennis table, pool table, music recording studio, guitars, keyboards, drum kit, basketball court and small indoor soccer court. It is a place to socialise and have fun for free. This is available Monday to Friday 11am – 6pm.
AYCafe is open Tuesday to Saturday. AYCafe sells very affordable meals, food, drinks, coffee and tea. For $5 you can get a meal from the cafe. If you do not have money then talk to a youth worker, you can earn credits through training and participation to pay for meals.
We also do some organised activities and programs. Some are about learning some are just for fun. You can turn up and join in or you can book a place by calling the centre. Please call the Centre for more information.
If you have an idea for an activity or a program we would be happy to see if we can make it happen.
AUBURN SOUNDS – Music Program
The Auburn Sound Project provides young people a FREE music studio and sessions with experienced music producers to work with to produce their own music.
Book in for free music production and song writing sessions with mentoring from experienced music producers in our professional music studio – empowering you to write, record and perform your own original music.
Learn how to play keyboard, guitars, drums and record your sessions.
Gain opportunities for collaboration – meet others like you who you can get creative and write music with.
Learn how to produce music yourself using Ableton Live, sound interfaces and midi controllers for Beat Making.
Gain employment ready skills in music production and engineering.
Attend and showcase your talent and music at regular local performance nights organised by the program
To see who our mentors please click here
To register to get training in our studio with a mentor please click here.
Should you wish to book our studio for personal usage or want more information please contact the centre on 9646 2122
Help With Fines
Some people are able to pay off their fines by completing a Work and Development Order. Auburn Youth Centre is registered to help people aged 12 -24 undertake this program.
What is a Work and Development Order?
Work and Development Orders (WDO) are made by Revenue NSW. A WDO allows eligible people to satisfy their fine debt through unpaid work with an approved organisation or by undertaking certain courses or treatment.
The criteria to be eligible for a WDO include,
- having mental illness
- having an intellectual disability or cognitive impairment
- homelessness
- experiencing acute economic hardship
- or have a serious addiction to drugs alcohol/volatile substances
How will Auburn Youth Centre assist in reducing my fines?
People wanting to register in the WDO program must make an appointment by ringing the centre on 96462122. An appointment will be made where the person must bring :
- Revenue NSW Debt Recovery Notice
- Identification – photo ID, medicare card, bank cards, passport etc
- Bank statement(or access to bank statement)
- Or Centrelink notice or pension card
If you are eligible we can then make a program that allows you to pay off your fines. The centre will put in to place activities, programs or workshops to be completed as a part of the WDO.
Please contact the Centre on 96462122 for assistance.
Personal Support
School or University too hard? Being bullied? In trouble with the police? Have legal issues? Need to find a new place to live? Having problems at home or with your friends? Want to talk about relationships? Have health issues and don’t know what to do? Need help to get into TAFE or University? Feeling lost? Have no food? Just want someone to talk to? AYC has qualified youth and social workers who are at the Centre every day to help you. There is no problem too small or too big. If we can’t help you we will take you to someone who can.
We can help you to achieve your dreams or overcome the immediate problems you are facing. What you tell us will remain confidential (we won’t tell others) unless the law tells us otherwise. AYC are mandatory reporters so if you are at extreme risk we do have to tell authorities.
Everyone needs help at some stage in their life. AYC can provide that help. Call us on 96462122 or drop in and see the team.
School Holiday Programs
Each school holidays AYC conducts weekly activities that include excursions. Activities are mostly free and have included visits to the Sydney Aquarium, Luna Park, Jenolan Caves, dance parties, hip hop workshops, and drop in hours. Please see our events or Facebook page for more information.
AYC also has a full time counsellor who is available by appointment. Sometimes young people and their families need some help outside the family to cope with the difficulties that are part of life. We provide a confidential and professional service to support young people and their families. We can work individually with young people, their families or with groups of young people or their families.
This is a free service and anyone can make a referral to the AYC Counsellor. You can download our referral form here . The referral can be emailed to Please feel free to email or call us on 02 9749 2321 with any other queries relating to the referral process or the services provided.
The counsellor works face to face with clients, using a client centred and culturally appropriate approach with a wide range of interventions and therapies that is suitable to each individual and their background. Counselling is provided to young people aged 12-24 and/ or their parents who are living in the Auburn and surrounding areas.
We also provide support, information and referrals to families in the Auburn area such as parenting classes, setting routines, dealing with challenging children, and liaising with departments like Centrelink, housing and DCJ.
AYC also provide psycho-educational interactive workshops to the students which can help raise awareness, self-improvement and strengthen community responsibility. A number of programs have been successfully delivered to schools in the Western Sydney Area which include conflict resolution, stress management, self-esteem and anger management however we can also tailor a workshop to the requirements of your students. AYC uses several presentation styles to actively involve young people, including youth-led small group activities; peer-to-peer learning and art, music and drama workshops. We can also provide support services for families in how to best engage with their adolescent children. Continuous support is always offered.
Group work
AYC delivers psycho-educational and educational group work in schools and at the Centre. These groups cover a range of issues including bullying, resilience, mental health, healthy relationships, life skills and decision making. For more information call 96462122 Click here to see some of our programs
AYC will produce bespoke evidence based programs for schools and communities to address identified issues. Call 96462122 for more information.
AYCafe is a cafe open to all members of AYC and the community. It is open Tuesday – Friday 11am – 6pm and Saturday from 9am to 4pm.
AYCafe sells Migliore Coffee, for members a coffee is $2. It also sells smoothies, shakes and fruit juices.
AYCafe also sells hot meals including Burgers, Fries, Stir Fries, toasties and hot dogs. You can also get salads, sandwiches, muffins and cakes. For members this will cost about $2.50.
If you cant afford to use the cafe please talk to staff who can organise a way for you to purchase food.
AYCafe is also a training program for young people wanting to get a job in the hospitality industry.
Need help to find a job? AYC is able to help.
If you are interested in hospitality we have lots to offer. You can get qualifications and experience in food handling, food safety, business, RSA, RCG and barista. All for free. You can be mentored by local business professionals and when you’re ready we can help you find a job.
If you are looking for other types of work we are able to help you with resume writing, cover letters, job search and interview skills. Our hospitality training still may help as it can then be on your resume as a work placement and qualification. Worth thinking about if you are looking for your first job.
Contact us on 96462122 and make an appointment.